
We are incredibly honored to share that Vice Admiral P. Gardner Howe, III, USN, Ret. has joined the Navy SEAL Foundation Board of Advisors.


We are incredibly honored to share that Vice Admiral P. Gardner Howe, III, USN, Ret. has joined the Navy SEAL Foundation Board of Advisors.

Vice Admiral Howe retired from the U.S. Navy in 2019 after serving as the Associate Director for Military Affairs at the Central Intelligence Agency. During his 36 years in the military, Howe’s assignments 
included a full range of duties in Naval Special Warfare (NSW) and joint special operations communities. He commanded Naval Special Warfare Unit THREE in Bahrain, Naval Special Warfare Group THREE in San Diego, and Special Operations Command, Pacific in Hawaii. His service overseas includes multiple deployments to the western Pacific and Southwest Asia, and participation in Operations Earnest Will, Provide Promise, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.

His key joint and staff assignments include President of the U.S. Naval War College; chief staff officer, Naval Special Warfare Development Group; assistant chief of staff for Operations, Plans and Policy at Naval Special Warfare Command; director of Legislative Affairs for U.S. Special Operations Command and assistant commanding officer, Joint Special Operations Command.

Vice Admiral Howe’s post-military career includes service on the Board of Directors for Gold Star Sailing, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and the Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island. Additionally, he serves on the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Sailing Council.

Howe is a native of Jacksonville, Florida. He was commissioned in 1984 following his graduation from the United States Naval Academy. He earned Master’s Degrees from the Naval Postgraduate School (1995) and from the National War College (2002). He and his wife Erin reside in Newport, Rhode Island.

⁣Please join us in welcoming Vice Admiral Howe!


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